Anchored In

Anchored InAlaska

Trident Seafoods has pioneered responsible fishing in the pristine waters of Alaska for more than 50 years. We never compromise when it comes to fulfilling our Mission of responsibly sharing wild Alaska seafood with the world.

Aerial photo of Alaskan coastline
Fisherman pulling salmon from the net on the deck of a gillnetting boat.

Vertical Integration

Trident's approach to vertical integration guarantees quality from Fleet to Fork.

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Family of Salmon Fisherman

The Story of Trident

Explore more about Trident Seafoods and who we are.

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Chuck and Joe Bundrant standing together on a boat
Sushi and chopsticks


With facilities and partnerships located around the world, we serve our customers beyond just fish. Our production scale can meet the requirements of your small, medium, or large business.

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Fishermen standing on deck of catcher boat in Alaska

Join Our Team

Explore a variety of careers at Trident Seafoods that support our family of fishermen.

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Food Service

We provide the freshest and highest-quality seafood available. Together with our global partners, we share wild Alaska seafood with customers around the world.

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Wild-Caught in Alaska

Explore Trident's support locations across Alaska

AlaskaCanadaArctic OceanBeaufort SeaBering SeaNorton SoundBristol BayGulf of Alaska
Wrangell Plant
St. Paul Plant
Sand Point Plant
North Naknek Plant
Kodiak Plant
Cordova Plant
Dutch Harbor Support Center
Anchorage Support Center
Prince William Sound
Inside Passage
Akutan Plant
The Billikin
Katmai National Park

Our Species

Explore a variety of Alaska seafood species available through Trident

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Our Fleet

Explore our fleet of Trident Seafoods, owned and operated vessels.

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